Waxing Tip - Kick Wax Layering and Covering

Classic waxing can sometimes seem like arcane voodoo, and there are a lot of tricks and tips that can make a huge difference. One of the most useful tools to have in your kick-wax belt is to understand the concept of layering and covering.

Stone Grinding Update March 11, 2024

Stone Grinding Update Lars Svensson from Tazzari visited us in Boulder on February 26-27. Lars came from Sweden to do maintenance and upgrades on our Tazzari RP-23 and RP-13 stone grinding machines and gave us some new structures to try out on snow. Lars is a character, and we were...

Keeping Your Skis Clean in the Spring

The air is warm, the sun is high, and the snow is often pretty fast. Heck, depending on where you are, there might even be some crust cruising in the near future. However, there is one somewhat unique challenge that comes with this glorious part of the season: dirty snow.

Waxing with Warm Klisters

One of the toughest things to do in warm wet snow is get sufficient kick AND glide on classic days. Klister can be a mystery even to people who have used it for years. The weather and snow are constantly changing, and much like in all waxing, when you think you know something you likely do not.